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Like every other angler that enjoys fishing the St. Croix, I was excited to hear that the river finally dropped below 683 feet. It’s incredible to think you can be sitting in a boat amongst 169 scenic river miles and still feel stir-crazy, but for me, during the no-wake restriction, that is exactly what happens. Of course I could always make a day of it and travel to my favorite hot spots, but it’s tough to justify all that travel time, especially when it feels like the fish are swimming faster than I’m moving.

Although putting clients on fish is always my first priority, cruising the river and covering a lot of water is fun too. We’ll frequently get down to the Mississippi before heading north again. And when we see eagles swooping low to catch their own fish, or long stretches of trees turning colors in the fall, I’m reminded of how a consistently fresh background can heighten any experience on the water. And my clients’ fish look especially nice against the undeniably scenic backdrops of the St. Croix. I’m glad we can once again reach all those hot spots in the Skeeter boat. Let’s go!