Lake Gervais
This lake is located north of Highway 36 between Edgerton Street and Arcade Street.
Lake Map:
View the map (pdf)
Stocking Report:
View Stocking Report (dnr site)
Species Present:
Walleye: above average abundance, average size
Northern Pike: lower than average abundance, above average size
Largemouth Bass: average abundance, smaller than average size
Bluegill: above average abundance, average size
Crappie: lower than average abundance, smaller than average size
Hybrid Muskie: average abundance, average size
Bullhead species: low abundance, small average size
Yellow Perch: above average abundance, average size
Boat Access:
This lake is accessed by traveling a navigable channel from Spoon Lake just south and west of Gervais. This lake has a surface water use regulation. See rules posted at the access.
Shore Fishing:
There is a fishing pier and additional public shoreline at the public beach located at the southwest corner of the lake off Edgerton Street.
Management Plans:
- Population assessment in 2011. Re-survey in 2017.
- Stock 182 pounds of walleye fingerlings (2 lbs. per littoral acre) in even numbered years.
- Stock 228 hybrid muskie fingerlings (2.5 fish per littoral acre) in odd numbered years.
- Encourage commercial fishing of carp by commercial fishing license holders.
Exotic Species Alert:
This lake contains Eurasian water milfoil. Remove any visible plant material from your boat, trailer and other boating equipment before leaving the lake.
Fishing on this lake is limited by competition with recreational boaters. Runabout use and water skiing are very popular here. Ice anglers often gain access to this lake in the winter by driving across the beach. Winter anglers should use caution when traveling on this lake as it has a history of maintaining open water areas during much of the winter.
Note: All data collected from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources